「THE Tanka Journal」



短歌国際交流機関誌「THE TANKA JOURNAL」を年2回発行しているほか、研究会を定期的に行っております。





NIHON KAJIN CLUB, or THE JAPAN TANKA POETS' SOCIETY, is the largest nationwide organization of tanka poets in Japan with a membership of about 5,000. It publishes, together with 「風」(Wind), THE TANKA JOURNAL twice yearly, as a rule, to provide an international forum for presenting tanka poems and related essays in various languages. The membership fee per annum is US $40 in cash or International Postal Money Order (Pay to: Nihon-Kajin-Club) obtainable at the post office. The fee entitles the member to submit five tanka poems or a short essay to the editors of THE TANKA JOURNAL. We do not accept bank checks, because handling charges in Japan are prohibitive. Please note: International Reply Coupons are no longer accepted.

Those who wish to contribute to THE TANKA JOURNAL without joining the Society are welcome to submit one tanka poem in any language accompanied by three International Reply Coupons.

Submissions will not be returned. The editors of THE TANKA JOURNAL hold the right to either accept or reject any submission.

Application for THE TANKA JOURNAL No. 49

   1. Deadline: June 15,.2016 

   2. Five tanka (unpublished works only) or a short essay on tanka ( within 80 strokes × 45 lines including title & name).

   3. Please email them to Aya Yuhki, the editor in chief : **ayayu-ki@sc4.so-net.ne.jp

     Also please send its printout to Aya Yuhki, whose address is: C/O Nihon Kajin Club, Shuei Bidg.2F,1-12-5,Higashi-gotanda,

          141-0022,Japan. .